Egzistencinės komedijos, uždariusios šių metų Geteborgo kino festivalį, centre – trisdešimtmetė Regitzė, neturinti nei darbo, nei vaikino ar vaikų. „Beviltiška“, – konstatuoja jos tėvas, niekad nesilankydavęs dukros teniso treniruotėse. Į save susitelkusių akademikų šeimoje augusi mergina šiandien jaučiasi atsidūrusi aklavietėje. Negana to, kad nelauktai pastojo, paskutinis mamos noras prieš mirtį – dukros ir tėvo piligriminė kelionė Ispanijoje. Kad pagerbtų mamos atminimą, jiedu sutinka leistis į kelionę, vis dėlto 260 kilometrų nuo Astorgos iki Kompostelos žygyje dažniau tenka susidurti su gyvaisiais nei mirusiais, ir susvetimėjimo siena tarp tėvo ir dukters ima klibėti.
The existential comedy that closed this year's Gothenburg Film Festival focuses on Regitze, a 30-year-old woman with no job, no boyfriend and no children. "Hopeless", says her father, who has never attended his daughter's tennis practice. Raised in a family of self-centred academics, she now finds herself at an impasse. Not only did she become pregnant unexpectedly, but her mother's last wish before she died was for her daughter and her father to make a pilgrimage to Spain. They agree to make the journey to honour their mother's memory, but the 260-kilometre trek from Astorga to Compostela is more likely to encounter the living than the dead, and the wall of estrangement between father and daughter is beginning to collapse.
Danų autorė ir režisierė baigė studijas JAV, jos trumpametražiai filmai pasirodė Sandanso, Berlyno, Roterdamo kino festivaliuose, dokumentinis filmas „Iš meilės“ pelnė Danijos nacionalinį apdovanojimą. Stærmose Danijoje kuria ir serialus, „Norskovas“, buvo parodytas Europos ir JAV platformose. Jos hibridinės dokumentikos filmas „Po karo“ šiemet pristatytas Berlyno kino festivalyje.
Danish writer-director, trained in the USA, her short films have been screened at the Sundance, Berlin and Rotterdam film festivals, and her documentary Out of Love won the Danish National Award. Stærmose also produces TV series in Denmark, such as Norskov, which has been screened on European and US platforms. Her hybrid documentary Afterwar was presented at the Berlin Film Festival this year.
Režisierė / Director: Birgitte Staermose
Scenarijaus autoriai / Screenplay: Birgitte Stærmose, Kim Fupz Aakeson
Kompozitorius / Composer: Janez Dovc
Prodiuseriai / Producers: Mark Albela, Johnny Andersen, Marlene Billie Andreasen
Vaidina / Cast: Danica Curcic, Lars Brygmann, Iñaki Ardanaz
Festivaliai / Festivals: Tarptautinis Geteborgo kino festivalis – Uždarymo filmas
Gothenburg International Film Festival - Closing Film
SCA'24: Camino
SCA'24: Camino
Komedija, Naujienos iš šiaurės
Filmo trukmė
1val. 44min.
Komedija, Naujienos iš šiaurės
Filmo trukmė
1val. 44min.
Egzistencinės komedijos, uždariusios šių metų Geteborgo kino festivalį, centre – trisdešimtmetė Regitzė, neturinti nei darbo, nei vaikino ar vaikų. „Beviltiška“, – konstatuoja jos tėvas, niekad nesilankydavęs dukros teniso treniruotėse. Į save susitelkusių akademikų šeimoje augusi mergina šiandien jaučiasi atsidūrusi aklavietėje. Negana to, kad nelauktai pastojo, paskutinis mamos noras prieš mirtį – dukros ir tėvo piligriminė kelionė Ispanijoje. Kad pagerbtų mamos atminimą, jiedu sutinka leistis į kelionę, vis dėlto 260 kilometrų nuo Astorgos iki Kompostelos žygyje dažniau tenka susidurti su gyvaisiais nei mirusiais, ir susvetimėjimo siena tarp tėvo ir dukters ima klibėti.
The existential comedy that closed this year's Gothenburg Film Festival focuses on Regitze, a 30-year-old woman with no job, no boyfriend and no children. "Hopeless", says her father, who has never attended his daughter's tennis practice. Raised in a family of self-centred academics, she now finds herself at an impasse. Not only did she become pregnant unexpectedly, but her mother's last wish before she died was for her daughter and her father to make a pilgrimage to Spain. They agree to make the journey to honour their mother's memory, but the 260-kilometre trek from Astorga to Compostela is more likely to encounter the living than the dead, and the wall of estrangement between father and daughter is beginning to collapse.
Danų autorė ir režisierė baigė studijas JAV, jos trumpametražiai filmai pasirodė Sandanso, Berlyno, Roterdamo kino festivaliuose, dokumentinis filmas „Iš meilės“ pelnė Danijos nacionalinį apdovanojimą. Stærmose Danijoje kuria ir serialus, „Norskovas“, buvo parodytas Europos ir JAV platformose. Jos hibridinės dokumentikos filmas „Po karo“ šiemet pristatytas Berlyno kino festivalyje.
Danish writer-director, trained in the USA, her short films have been screened at the Sundance, Berlin and Rotterdam film festivals, and her documentary Out of Love won the Danish National Award. Stærmose also produces TV series in Denmark, such as Norskov, which has been screened on European and US platforms. Her hybrid documentary Afterwar was presented at the Berlin Film Festival this year.
Režisierė / Director: Birgitte Staermose
Scenarijaus autoriai / Screenplay: Birgitte Stærmose, Kim Fupz Aakeson
Kompozitorius / Composer: Janez Dovc
Prodiuseriai / Producers: Mark Albela, Johnny Andersen, Marlene Billie Andreasen
Vaidina / Cast: Danica Curcic, Lars Brygmann, Iñaki Ardanaz
Festivaliai / Festivals: Tarptautinis Geteborgo kino festivalis – Uždarymo filmas
Gothenburg International Film Festival - Closing Film
The existential comedy that closed this year's Gothenburg Film Festival focuses on Regitze, a 30-year-old woman with no job, no boyfriend and no children. "Hopeless", says her father, who has never attended his daughter's tennis practice. Raised in a family of self-centred academics, she now finds herself at an impasse. Not only did she become pregnant unexpectedly, but her mother's last wish before she died was for her daughter and her father to make a pilgrimage to Spain. They agree to make the journey to honour their mother's memory, but the 260-kilometre trek from Astorga to Compostela is more likely to encounter the living than the dead, and the wall of estrangement between father and daughter is beginning to collapse.
Danų autorė ir režisierė baigė studijas JAV, jos trumpametražiai filmai pasirodė Sandanso, Berlyno, Roterdamo kino festivaliuose, dokumentinis filmas „Iš meilės“ pelnė Danijos nacionalinį apdovanojimą. Stærmose Danijoje kuria ir serialus, „Norskovas“, buvo parodytas Europos ir JAV platformose. Jos hibridinės dokumentikos filmas „Po karo“ šiemet pristatytas Berlyno kino festivalyje.
Danish writer-director, trained in the USA, her short films have been screened at the Sundance, Berlin and Rotterdam film festivals, and her documentary Out of Love won the Danish National Award. Stærmose also produces TV series in Denmark, such as Norskov, which has been screened on European and US platforms. Her hybrid documentary Afterwar was presented at the Berlin Film Festival this year.
Režisierė / Director: Birgitte Staermose
Scenarijaus autoriai / Screenplay: Birgitte Stærmose, Kim Fupz Aakeson
Kompozitorius / Composer: Janez Dovc
Prodiuseriai / Producers: Mark Albela, Johnny Andersen, Marlene Billie Andreasen
Vaidina / Cast: Danica Curcic, Lars Brygmann, Iñaki Ardanaz
Festivaliai / Festivals: Tarptautinis Geteborgo kino festivalis – Uždarymo filmas
Gothenburg International Film Festival - Closing Film