Dvylika metų slapstęsis profesionalus nusikaltėlis Trojanas grįžta į Berlyną. Laikas nestovėjo vietoje – senųjų kontaktų nebėra, o vietoj grynųjų, kuriuos galima pavogti, liko vien kredito kortelės. Trojanui pasiūlomas darbas – iš muziejaus pagrobti garsaus romantizmo tapytojo Casparo Davido Friedricho paveikslą. Trojanas imasi užduoties, tačiau greitai paaiškėja, kad vagystės užsakovas turi kitą planą, ir Trojanui tenka sukti galvą nebe apie pinigus, o kaip išsaugoti gyvybę. Tai žanrais žaidžianti gangsterių istorija, besirutuliojanti apokaliptinės atmosferos Berlyne.
Trojan, a professional criminal who has been in hiding for 12 years, returns to Berlin. But time has not stood still: old contacts are now gone and credit cards are all that's left instead of cash to steal. Trojan is offered a job to steal a painting by the famous Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich from a museum. He takes the job, but it soon becomes clear that the thief has a different plan, and Trojan is no longer concerned with money but with saving his life. This is a gangster story that plays with different genres, set in an apocalyptic atmosphere in Berlin.
Režisierius / Director: Thomas Arslan
Scenarijaus autorius / Screenplay: Thomas Arslan
Operatorius / Cinematography: Reinhold Vorschneider
Kompozitoriai / Composers: Ola Fløttum
Vaidina / Cast: Misel Maticevic, Marie Leuenberger, Alexander Fehling
Festivaliai / Festivals:
Tarptautinis Berlyno kino festivalis
Tarptautinis Siatlo kino festivalis
Tarptautinis Šanchajaus kino festivalis
Berlin International Film Festival
Seattle International Film Festival
Shanghai International Film Festival
SCA'24: Išdeginta žemė
SCA'24: Scorched Earth
Veiksmo, Trileris, Kertant Europą
Filmo trukmė
1val. 41min.
Veiksmo, Trileris, Kertant Europą
Filmo trukmė
1val. 41min.
Dvylika metų slapstęsis profesionalus nusikaltėlis Trojanas grįžta į Berlyną. Laikas nestovėjo vietoje – senųjų kontaktų nebėra, o vietoj grynųjų, kuriuos galima pavogti, liko vien kredito kortelės. Trojanui pasiūlomas darbas – iš muziejaus pagrobti garsaus romantizmo tapytojo Casparo Davido Friedricho paveikslą. Trojanas imasi užduoties, tačiau greitai paaiškėja, kad vagystės užsakovas turi kitą planą, ir Trojanui tenka sukti galvą nebe apie pinigus, o kaip išsaugoti gyvybę. Tai žanrais žaidžianti gangsterių istorija, besirutuliojanti apokaliptinės atmosferos Berlyne.
Trojan, a professional criminal who has been in hiding for 12 years, returns to Berlin. But time has not stood still: old contacts are now gone and credit cards are all that's left instead of cash to steal. Trojan is offered a job to steal a painting by the famous Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich from a museum. He takes the job, but it soon becomes clear that the thief has a different plan, and Trojan is no longer concerned with money but with saving his life. This is a gangster story that plays with different genres, set in an apocalyptic atmosphere in Berlin.
Režisierius / Director: Thomas Arslan
Scenarijaus autorius / Screenplay: Thomas Arslan
Operatorius / Cinematography: Reinhold Vorschneider
Kompozitoriai / Composers: Ola Fløttum
Vaidina / Cast: Misel Maticevic, Marie Leuenberger, Alexander Fehling
Festivaliai / Festivals:
Tarptautinis Berlyno kino festivalis
Tarptautinis Siatlo kino festivalis
Tarptautinis Šanchajaus kino festivalis
Berlin International Film Festival
Seattle International Film Festival
Shanghai International Film Festival
Trojan, a professional criminal who has been in hiding for 12 years, returns to Berlin. But time has not stood still: old contacts are now gone and credit cards are all that's left instead of cash to steal. Trojan is offered a job to steal a painting by the famous Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich from a museum. He takes the job, but it soon becomes clear that the thief has a different plan, and Trojan is no longer concerned with money but with saving his life. This is a gangster story that plays with different genres, set in an apocalyptic atmosphere in Berlin.
Režisierius / Director: Thomas Arslan
Scenarijaus autorius / Screenplay: Thomas Arslan
Operatorius / Cinematography: Reinhold Vorschneider
Kompozitoriai / Composers: Ola Fløttum
Vaidina / Cast: Misel Maticevic, Marie Leuenberger, Alexander Fehling
Festivaliai / Festivals:
Tarptautinis Berlyno kino festivalis
Tarptautinis Siatlo kino festivalis
Tarptautinis Šanchajaus kino festivalis
Berlin International Film Festival
Seattle International Film Festival
Shanghai International Film Festival