Akinas – talentingas aktorius, vis grįžtantis į psichiatrinę ligoninę dėl sunkaus bipolinio sutrikimo. Jo kūnas išvysto toleranciją vaistams. Užsidaręs namuose jis lankosi nebent Stambulo religinėse vietose. Paguodos ieškodamas tikėjime, vaikinas vis giliau panyra į ekstazės būseną. Akinui tolstant nuo savo sąmonės, jo protas pradeda kitaip matyti realybę, šalia žmonių jis mato velnius ir demonus, o industriniuose Stambulo rajonuose jis jaučia tarpstantį blogį.
Akin is a talented actor who keeps returning to a psychiatric hospital because of severe bipolar disorder. His body develops a tolerance to medication. Confined to his home, he only visits religious sites in Istanbul. Seeking solace in his faith, he falls deeper and deeper into a state of ecstasy. As Akin moves away from his consciousness, his mind begins to see reality differently, he sees devils and demons around people, and he senses the evil in the industrial areas of Istanbul.
Režisierius / Director: Gürcan Keltek
Scenarijaus autorius / Screenplay: Gürcan Keltek
Operatorius / Cinematography: Peter Zeitlinger, Marc Van Goethem
Kompozitoriai / Composers: Son of Philip
Prodiuseriai / Producers: Manuela Buono,
Vaidina / Cast: Cem Yigit Uzümoglu, Suzan Kardes, Erol Babaoglu
Festivaliai / Festivals:
Tarptautinis Lokarno kino festivalis – Konkursinė programa
Locarno International Film Festival - Competition Programme
Akinas – talentingas aktorius, vis grįžtantis į psichiatrinę ligoninę dėl sunkaus bipolinio sutrikimo. Jo kūnas išvysto toleranciją vaistams. Užsidaręs namuose jis lankosi nebent Stambulo religinėse vietose. Paguodos ieškodamas tikėjime, vaikinas vis giliau panyra į ekstazės būseną. Akinui tolstant nuo savo sąmonės, jo protas pradeda kitaip matyti realybę, šalia žmonių jis mato velnius ir demonus, o industriniuose Stambulo rajonuose jis jaučia tarpstantį blogį.
Akin is a talented actor who keeps returning to a psychiatric hospital because of severe bipolar disorder. His body develops a tolerance to medication. Confined to his home, he only visits religious sites in Istanbul. Seeking solace in his faith, he falls deeper and deeper into a state of ecstasy. As Akin moves away from his consciousness, his mind begins to see reality differently, he sees devils and demons around people, and he senses the evil in the industrial areas of Istanbul.
Režisierius / Director: Gürcan Keltek
Scenarijaus autorius / Screenplay: Gürcan Keltek
Operatorius / Cinematography: Peter Zeitlinger, Marc Van Goethem
Kompozitoriai / Composers: Son of Philip
Prodiuseriai / Producers: Manuela Buono,
Vaidina / Cast: Cem Yigit Uzümoglu, Suzan Kardes, Erol Babaoglu
Festivaliai / Festivals:
Tarptautinis Lokarno kino festivalis – Konkursinė programa
Locarno International Film Festival - Competition Programme
Akin is a talented actor who keeps returning to a psychiatric hospital because of severe bipolar disorder. His body develops a tolerance to medication. Confined to his home, he only visits religious sites in Istanbul. Seeking solace in his faith, he falls deeper and deeper into a state of ecstasy. As Akin moves away from his consciousness, his mind begins to see reality differently, he sees devils and demons around people, and he senses the evil in the industrial areas of Istanbul.
Režisierius / Director: Gürcan Keltek
Scenarijaus autorius / Screenplay: Gürcan Keltek
Operatorius / Cinematography: Peter Zeitlinger, Marc Van Goethem
Kompozitoriai / Composers: Son of Philip
Prodiuseriai / Producers: Manuela Buono,
Vaidina / Cast: Cem Yigit Uzümoglu, Suzan Kardes, Erol Babaoglu
Festivaliai / Festivals:
Tarptautinis Lokarno kino festivalis – Konkursinė programa
Locarno International Film Festival - Competition Programme